What is orientation and mobility?
Orientation and mobility is a set of skills and knowledge that a person who is blind or visually impaired can use to answer the questions, “Where am I?” (orientation) and “How do I get where I need to go safely and effectively?” (mobility).
What is an orientation and mobility specialist and how can they help me?
An orientation and mobility specialist is an individual who has been specifically trained and certified in these skills (visual scanning, white cane, route planning, street crossings, etc.) and how to teach them. They have developed background knowledge on a variety of eye conditions and how they affect travel. They know how to monitor progress and assess risk.
Do I have to be completely blind to qualify for training?
Nope! Everyone’s situation is different, and many people who are visually impaired have some degree of useable vision. In the state of New Jersey, the following definitions exist:
“LEGALLY BLIND means that an individual's vision is 20/200 or less in the better eye…Also, an individual is considered legally blind if he or she has a restricted visual field limited to 20 degrees or less.”
VISUALLY IMPAIRED means that an individual's vision is 20/70 or less in the better eye.”
These levels of impairment will qualify someone for state agency services. However, there may be unique situations that don’t qualify for state services but could still benefit from O&M. Contact me to discuss the possibilities!
What age group do O&M specialists typically work with?
O&M is a specialty that spans from the ages! From babies through older adults, O&M specialists work one-on-one with individuals to help them reach their goals.
Where will this training take place?
The world is our classroom! Training can take place in a client’s home environment, in their workplace, at schools, day camps, shopping centers, on public transportation - even the woods or the public pool! We can use just about any indoor or outdoor environment that will help someone reach their goals.
Can an O&M specialist help me get a guide dog?
Guide dogs are specifically trained and placed by schools like The Seeing Eye, Guiding Eyes for the Blind, and Guide Dogs for the Blind. Each school is a bit different, but the main requirement for entry into any program is solid orientation and mobility skills signed off by a certified instructor. So, while an O&M specialist cannot get you a dog, they CAN help you get ready!